Po domlouvacich peripetiich to dopada jak nejhure muze – nezbyva nez vzit rudy vuz prekypujici bujarymi konskymi silami (Nissan Micra 998ccm) a vyrazit vstric horam, ktere uz schytaly prvni sprsku podzimni snehove nadilky.
Primarnim cilem je vysapat se na paradni bivak v sedle Gruberscharte a tam si v klidu odpocinout v lune hor. Bohuzel cesta k nemu a od nej vede pres nekolik tritisicovek, takze nezbyva nez se pres ne prekulit (celkem jsem jich prekulil celych 9). Tresnickou na dostu je pak spontanni posetily pokus o prechod hrebene mezi Wiesbachhornem a Hoher Tenn, ktery se, svete div se, podaril. Az pozdeji jsem zjistil, ze sam Messner ho oznacil za nejkrasnejsi hrebenovku vychodnich Alp…ale jestli se pri tom Reinholdovi klepala kolena jako me, tezko rict.
Zkouším všechno možné od lezení po skialp a nevalnou kvalitu maskuju univerzálností. Hodně fotím, občas něco natočím a hlavně jsem rád venku. Kromě čaje už mám rád i kafe a pořád ještě i brzké ranní vstávání.
Hallo Jakub
That’s a great tour you did. I guess you had not much informations about the leg from Gr. Wiesbachhorn to Hoher Tenn. That is taff.
I want to do it the other way around this summer.
You have some advices for me? I guess to get down from Hoher Tenn to Wiesbachscharte and from Kl. Wiesbachhorn to Sandbodenscharte are the tricky parts.
Would be great to hear from you.
All the best, Albrecht from Salzburg
Hi Albrecht,
thank you for your comment. Its been a long time and I had had no infortmations about the traverse from Gr. Wiesbachhorn to Hoher Tenn before I did it. The most demanding part, if I remember well, was descending from Gr. Wiesbachhorn. I your case, I would guess it will be descending from Hoher Tenn (short rope may be useful). But aport from that, I cant give you any relevant information.
Good luck, enjoy the hike!
Pingback: Nocleh na Wiesbachhornu |
20.2.2023 at 12:43
Hallo Jakub
That’s a great tour you did. I guess you had not much informations about the leg from Gr. Wiesbachhorn to Hoher Tenn. That is taff.
I want to do it the other way around this summer.
You have some advices for me? I guess to get down from Hoher Tenn to Wiesbachscharte and from Kl. Wiesbachhorn to Sandbodenscharte are the tricky parts.
Would be great to hear from you.
All the best, Albrecht from Salzburg
20.2.2023 at 15:50
Hi Albrecht,
thank you for your comment. Its been a long time and I had had no infortmations about the traverse from Gr. Wiesbachhorn to Hoher Tenn before I did it. The most demanding part, if I remember well, was descending from Gr. Wiesbachhorn. I your case, I would guess it will be descending from Hoher Tenn (short rope may be useful). But aport from that, I cant give you any relevant information.
Good luck, enjoy the hike!